Friday, April 24, 2009


Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, genetic modification/manipulation (GM) and gene splicing are terms that apply to the direct manipulation of an organism's genes.[1] Genetic engineering is different from traditional breeding, where the organism's genes are manipulated indirectly. Genetic engineering uses the techniques of molecular cloning and transformation to alter the structure and characteristics of genes directly. Genetic engineering techniques have found some successes in numerous applications. Some examples are in improving crop technology, the manufacture of synthetic human insulin through the use of modified bacteria, the manufacture of erythropoietin in hamster ovary cells, and the production of new types of experimental mice such as the oncomouse (cancer mouse) for research.
The term "genetic engineering" was coined in
Jack Williamson's science fiction novel Dragon's Island, published in 1951, two years before James Watson and Francis Crick showed that DNA could be the medium of transmission of genetic information.

Testing for a genetic variation could predict the likelihood that a patient will respond well to certain statins. But some researchers say it's too soon to use the variation to determine treatment.
Researchers from
Celera reported yesterday in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that a single substitution in the sequence of a gene called KIF6 makes people both more susceptible to heart attacks and more responsive to certain drugs that lower cholesterol. Though there is no known biological explanation linking the variation to heart disease, the study found that it increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 55 percent.
Celera, the company best known for sequencing the human genome, examined 35 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 30,000 patients. Of those, "KIF6 is by far the most significant," says Thomas J. White, chief scientific officer at Celera. In fact, nearly 60 percent of the study population was found to carry the KIF6 variant. (According to the study, these findings take into account other factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.)
The researchers also found that carriers of the KIF6 variant responded better to the cholesterol-lowering drugs pravastatin (Pravachol) and atorvastatin (Lipitor). For example, among patients with the genetic variation, those who took pravastatin were 37 percent less likely to experience a heart attack than those who took the placebo. Those without the genetic variation who took the drug were only 14 percent less likely to experience a heart attack than those who took the placebo. Statins are big sellers for the pharmaceutical industry. In 2006, Lipitor, the world's best-selling drug, brought in $13 billion in global sales.
"This is one of the first studies to show an interaction with therapy" and genotype, says Marc Sabatine, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a coauthor on one of the papers. "That is very exciting to see."
Surprisingly, the researchers found that KIF6 doesn't appear to work by lowering levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol, the standard by which drugs used to prevent heart attacks are normally measured. White says that KIF6 may instead act by stabilizing "vulnerable plaques," which are particularly prone to triggering heart attacks.
Celera is developing a diagnostic that would test for the KIF6 variant and expects to launch it in a few months.
But some experts caution that it may be premature to introduce such diagnostic tests before there is further confirmation of KIF6's role in heart disease.

Even if there are beneficial results, the standard should be that you need to document that knowing the genetic information is clinically useful," says Sekar Kathiresan, director of preventive cardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Coronary heart disease caused one of every five deaths in the United States in 2006, so scientists have for quite some time been on the hunt for genes linked to heart attacks.
Rapid advances in technology have made that task much easier. At the same time, many of the genetic links to heart disease identified so far haven't held up on further analysis. At present, the only credible link is to a variant of the gene 9p21, identified last year by the Icelandic company
deCODE Genetics, says Kathiresan. DeCODE offers a $200 diagnostic test for the 9p21 variant. (See "Gene Variant Linked to Heart Disease.")
A second gene, PCSK9, also looks promising, Kathiresan adds. "Nearly everything else is in the realm of 'possible but not definite.'"
It's good that KIF6 has been identified as a potential risk factor in several different studies, Kathiresan says. In each of the studies, he notes, there is less than a one-in-20 probability that the finding is a result of chance, which is generally considered an acceptable threshold for statistical significance.
But because of the high possibility of false positives, the threshold for genome-wide association studies should be much higher, on the order of one in 20 million, Kathiresan says. Both the 9p21 and the PCSK9 pass that test, he says.
"The key issue here is we don't know if these [KIF6 studies] are real results," Kathiresan says. "You need to show that it is clinically useful, and they have not crossed that threshold


Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine.Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.Biotechnology is often used to refer to genetic engineering technology of the 21st century, however the term encompasses a wider range and history of procedures for modifying biological organisms according to the needs of humanity, going back to the initial modifications of native plants into improved food crops through artificial selection and hybridization. Bioengineering is the science upon which all biotechnological applications are based. With the development of new approaches and modern techniques, traditional biotechnology industries are also acquiring new horizons enabling them to improve the quality of their products and increase the productivity of their systems.

Before 1971, the term, biotechnology, was primarily used in the food processing and agriculture industries. Since the 1970s, it began to be used by the Western scientific establishment to refer to laboratory-based techniques being developed in biological research, such as recombinant DNA or tissue culture-based processes, or horizontal gene transfer in living plants, using vectors such as the Agrobacterium bacteria to transfer DNA into a host organism. In fact, the term should be used in a much broader sense to describe the whole range of methods, both ancient and modern, used to manipulate organic materials to reach the demands of food production. So the term could be defined as, "The application of indigenous and/or scientific knowledge to the management of (parts of) microorganisms, or of cells and tissues of higher organisms, so that these supply goods and services of use to the food industry and its consumers.Biotechnology combines disciplines like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology, which are in turn linked to practical disciplines like chemical engineering, information technology, and biorobotics. Patho-biotechnology describes the exploitation of pathogens or pathogen derived compounds for beneficial effect.

Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture, non food (industrial) uses of crops and other products (e.g. biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuels), and environmental uses.
For example, one application of biotechnology is the directed use of
organisms for the manufacture of organic products (examples include beer and milk products). Another example is using naturally present bacteria by the mining industry in bioleaching. Biotechnology is also used to recycle, treat waste, clean up sites contaminated by industrial activities (bioremediation), and also to produce biological weapons.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

1 Year Matriculation Programme

12 Mei 2008,aku dpt msk Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang (KMPh).Aku bljr kt kolej 2 utk sethn before melangkahkn kaki ke universiti.Spe jeles tgk kwn2 lain dpt pegi overseas kn.Tp,aku tau kekurangan diri aku dan aku tau tempat yg sepatutnyer utk aku berada sebenarnyer.Mse 2,au fikir nk blajar btul2 dan nk cpi cita2 aku.Aku nk jd doktor.But now,my mom prefer me to take an education course when i was in university.keshla course ape2 pn.Yg pntg,aku nk blajar dan dpt blajar.Klu boleh,aku nk wt Genetic Engineering or Biotechnology.Bidang nie sgt best lu kite faham ape yg kite blajar.Back to my story at mariculation college.Mse mle2 msk,aku mohon Sains Hayat.Alhamdulillah,aku dpt Sains Hayat.So,duduk kt matrik mesti ada bilik msg2 kn.Mcm 2 jgk aku.Mle2 msk bilik 2,aku dh knl sorg room mate aku.Nme die Nadia.Duduk kt Klang.So,aku ada la member yg sme2 dr KL kn.Papehal senang.Start dr hr 1st kitorg knl,kitorg jd sgt rapat.Ke mne jer jln dlm kolej,msti kitorg berdua.Bkn b'maksud room mate lg 2 org 2 kitorg lpe.Antara kami b'empat,kami sgt rapat.Wlupn,dlm bilik 2 yg slalu wt bising adlh aku.Kdg2,kesian kt diorg sbb kene lyn aku yg bising nie.Yg menambahkn lg havoc dlm bilik aku mse kt kolej mstilh Nazeera.Dgn kehadiran Nazeera akn menambahkn lg kekecohan dlm bilik 2.Fiza jns yg study setiap mse.Dan amt jarang nk jd 'gile' cm aku,Nadia n Nazeera.Tp,Fiza tetap ambil brt sal kitorg.Fiza ibarat Kak Long dlm bilik.Fiza,Nadia n Nazeera sgt baik.Klu kt kelas plak,aku ada 2 org kwn baik.Mimie dan Aida.Setiap kali pegi kelas,org akn nmpk kitorg msti b'tiga.Duduk dlm kelas dan kuliah pn msti b'tiga.So,kt kolej aku dpt knln baru.Wlupn knl sumer,tp,cukup aku dpt kwn2 yg slalu amek brt sal aku.Ble dh sethn ngn diorg kn,rse cm syg nk lps.Takut,lps nie jmpee kwn cm diorg lg.Mse nk tamat pengajian kt kolej hr 2,rse cm nk keluar,nk tgglkn diorg.Wlupn sethn jer knl,tp,dh mcm adk-beardk plak.Ape pnmsg2 ada jln hidup msg2 dan ada cita2 msg2.So,nk atau xnk,kene jgk lakukan.Dan,mse kt kolej,aku ada knl 1 guy.2 pn sbb cikgu letakkn kitorg dlm 1 team utk pertandingan Inovasi Reka Cipta dan Usahawan Muda peringkat Matrikulasi.Nme die Norhafizuddin.Sgt baik n sgt supportive.Aku ske die dan secara xsengaja aku minat die dlm diam.Better he dot know than know.Aku nk hubungan sbg seorg shbt antr aku dan die putus.Hafiz seorg yg serba tahu dan serba boleh.Dr cara perlakuan die nmpk yg die sgt b'pengetahuan yg luas.Aku nk jd cm die dan jdkn die idola aku. Nk berjaya cm die.Die pn pndi.Kdg2,aku rse aku nie xsetaraf ngn die.Apepn,Hafiz tetap akn jd idola aku smpi aku bleh jd cm die dan berjaya cm die.Rse b'untung sgt sbb dpt knl die.Wlupn die nmpk serius,ada mse die bleh dibawa b'gurau.Aku ske sgt tgk ble die senyum.Senyum die sgt manis.Ada la kwn2 yg suruh aku trus terang ngn die yg aku ske die.Xpelah.Sekalipn aku syok sndr,aku xkn buat kesilapan lme.Cukuplah ape yg pnh jd kt aku dlu 1 pembelajaran buat aku tentang mksd sebenar CINTA.Aku nk sktkn dr lg wlupn,aku skt memendam rse.Aslkn,aku dpt trus b'kwn ngn Hafiz.2 pn dh cukup bg aku.So,2 lah citer shbt2 aku dan kehidupan aku mse kt kolej.Sgt best dan sgt hepi.Will misz all my frens whwn i was in Matrics.=)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1 year of AVM

Aku igt lg mse mle2 aku sakit dlu.Mse 2,aku bru semggu hbs SPM.So, fikir nk enjoy kn.huhuhuhu.Mse 2, 12 December 2007.Aku ngn 3 org lg kwn aku kuar gi jln kt Mid Valley.Dh hbs jln, of course nk blk kn.Mse komuter smpi nk blk 2,tetbe aku rse skt kepala n then, aku muntah. Dlm komuter 2 jgk. Mse 2, aku xfikir pn org nk mrh ker ape ker. Yg aku tau, aku sgt2 skt kepala.The most important is, nasib baik ada kwn.Thanx! Ble smpi kt stesen komuter UKM,umi aku trus bwk aku gi hospital n hospital plg dkt mse 2, Hospital Serdang of course.Mse smpi kt hsptl,aku xtaula ape nurse 2 wt kt aku an.Aku pn xkesh.Then,aku dibawa utk menjalani ujian CT-Scan.Lps dpt kptsn filem dr ujian 2,aku dgr Dr. ckp kt ayah aku yg "ank Encik mengalami pendarahan otak.Skrg,kite sdg b'hubung dgn HKL utk hntr ank En. ke sne krn, kami disini ada pakar tapi tiada peralatan utk penyakit mcm nie,"lbh kurang mcm 2 la. Aku xtau kul bpe aku naik ambulan gi HKL.Yg aku tau,aku smpi HKL kul 12 tgh mlm hr Khamis 13 December 2007.Aku tau pn, sbb ada tulis kt tag pd tgn aku.hehehehe.Umi ckp,smpi HKL aku dh xbpe nk sedar sgt mcm kt Serdang.Umi ckp lg,aku kritikal in 4 days.xde la lme pn kn.Yg plg aku t'haru,nenek aku smpi menangis sbb xdpt dtg tgk aku sbb t'perangkap dlm banjir.huhuhuhu.Tp,nenek dtg jgk bpe hr lps 2.Umi cite lg,Dr. kt HKL 2 plik caner aku bleh dpt bleeding 2.Aku pn pelik.Tp,dh ketentuan Allah nk tunjuk.So,I accept it n very Grateful.Dr. ada tanye,"ank Puan accident ker,jatuh ker,t'hantuk ker,ambil dadah ker?" Soalan t'akhir Dr. 2 yg aku xbleh trime.Tp,die perlu tanye sbb keje die.The truth is,I didn't n never takes drugs.4 hr aku kritikal 2,adala my frens yg dtg tgk.Ape yg aku tau,aku xb'ckp sgt ngn diorg yg dtg tgk aku.Diorg pn mampu tgk aku t'lantar cm org dh xb'nyawa.Thanx! Mcm biase,wt CT-Scan.Semggu aku kt HKL,aku dibenarkn blk.Kt umh,aku cm bdk bru lahir.Mkn disuapkn.Mandi dimandikan,jln pn b'pimpin.Kdg2,kesian kt parent aku sbb kene jge aku yg bak kate Dr. 'istimewa'.A month after that,aku kene warded semle sbb nk wt ujian utk cri punca pendarahan yg b'laku.So,kire 1st treatment la an,aku kene wt Angiogram.Skt ar gk.Pttnyer,xskt sbb die dh bius.Aku xtaula Dr. wt caner bleh jd skt lark an.Redha jer la.huhuhuhu.Laporan ujian 2,bgtau yg pendarahan b'laku adlh sbb salur drh dln otak aku bengkak n pecah.Dr. ckp,skt nie nme die Atrio-Venous Malformation (AVM) n jrg b'laku pd bdk2 remaja cm aku dn kes nie adlh 1 dlm 1000.Sbb 2 Dr. ckp aku nie 'istimewa'.Tp,aku xpnh kesh sumer 2.Lps wt Angiogram,wt MRI plak.Nk tau kedudukan yg lbh tepat salur drh yg bengkak yg msh ada lg dlm otak aku mse 2.Then,aku kene wt Stereoptic-Radio Surgery (SRS) atau kte nme lainnyer,laser.Aku dh wt dh laser 2 thn lps pd 16 Oktober 2008 n mse 2 aku nk final exam sem 1 kt matrik.Kene laser 2 xskt.Tp,prosedur sblm wt laser 2 skt.Sktnyer Tuhan sje yg tau.Demi nk sembuh,aku redha ape pn yg Dr. nk wt pd aku.N kekuatan aku of course my parent.Thanx umi,ayah! 12December 2008,genap sethn aku didiagnosis penyakit ni.Skrg,aku xtau caner salur drh yg bengkak 2.Msh ada atau pn dh kecut.T'serah pd takdir la.Rmi org ckp aku kene pendarahan sbb stress.Dr. plak ckp,pembentukan yg xsempurna n ada org ckp ada sbb 'seseorg'.Aku pn tau nk ckp pe.Pndgn org.Pd aku,aku skt adlh sbb diri aku.Sbb bdn aku yg tanggung skt kn.So,i appreciate with this special disease n very grateful to know that i'm really is was an abnormal like others.Thanx to all person that contribute me to become the old Sarah before skt.Thanx!!